In January 21 as part of a school improvement priority on oracy, we became a Voice 21 Oracy School. We believe that every young person should leave school able to express their ideas, communicate with confidence and speak eloquently. These vital skills are captured by the word ‘oracy’ which was coined in the 1960s to give spoken language parity with literacy and numeracy.
In school, oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching pupils to become more effective speakers and listeners we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. Good oracy skills increase confidence, self- esteem and empathy, develops cognitive ability and success in all areas of school. We want our children to have the oracy skills to thrive in the world they will be living in and be confident to agree but also disagree and challenge other people's views and opinions in a respectful way. It is also a route to social mobility, empowering all students, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life.
We are developing a high quality oracy education where children learn to talk and through talk.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Over two years staff were involved in high quality training officially through Voice 21 to develop oracy in our school. We are now embedding this professional development through our curriculum through in-house training and sharing of good practice. ​
There are four categories for developing oracy skills:
These are broken down into the oracy framework
The deliberate, explicit and teaching of oracy across phases and throughout the curriculum will support children and young people to make progress in the four strands of oracy outlined in the Oracy Framework.
Each half term we will give children opportunities to develop their talk for different purposes developing the four categories for talk.
Our Goals - 2024-25
There are planned and purposeful opportunities for oracy in a range of contexts across the curriculum.
The impact of oracy on children is tracked and monitored through the ethos group.
Every classroom will be a dialogic space where children are active participants in their learning.