Emotional Regulation
Emotional /self regulation in order for a child to be ready for learning they need to be able to self-regulate, which is defined as the capacity to manage one’s thoughts, feeling and actions in adaptive and flexible way across a range of contexts.
As children start school they are only just beginning to understand their own emotions and can struggle to identify or label these. They therefore need a greater amount of staff support in managing their emotions and consequently their behaviour. In recognition of this, we support the children in understanding their emotions by discussing how the incident has made them feel, and support their management of these emotions by modelling self-soothing behaviours, such as deep breathing rubbing their arms or watching glitter settle. Where appropriate children will be given time to regulate their behaviour.
From September 2024 we follow a programme called 'Feel-it’. This programme develops strong social and emotional literacy in students from the early years providing children with a deep understanding of 100 nuanced feelings, delivered through ready-to-go, clinician-approved bite-sized resources. Each year children will have 12 age-appropriate feelings to master, from understanding the definitions to being able to identify the physical cues in the bodies and the effect their feelings can have on their thoughts and actions.
We aim to develop student outcomes:
Improved behaviour
Greater self-awareness & regulation
Greater compassion for themselves and others
Reduced anxiety
Increased readiness to learn & attainment
Over their time in school they will be introduced to 84 different feelings.​
​Click here for an overview of the feelings covered each year.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The FEELIT Mapper (below)) provides a visual prompt to help children classify their feelings by energy levels and degree of pleasantness. This will be used in more depth as they progress through the school.
Feelings are separated into 4 feelings quadrants.
1. High energy unpleasant
2. High energy pleasant
3. Low energy unpleasant
4. Low energy pleasant
Children regularly check-in with their feelings and
support can be given where needed.
As children progress in age they are able to discuss feelings in greater depth, using the mapper not only to check-in, but also as a reference point to discuss feelings, and better understand the relationship between thoughts, feelings, and actions.
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This programme helps children to regulate their feelings in order to control overwhelming emotions that prevent them from learning and achieving their best. When used effectively children feel empowered and in control of their emotions. Children are taught that no emotion is good or bad but the actions that can occur from these emotions can link to unwanted un-social or anti-social behaviours in school.