Pupil Voice
As a school we value the importance of listening to the voices of everyone in our school community. In school we listen to the views, experiences and wishes of all children through regular class discussions, collective worship and through our pupil parliament.
The Pupil Parliament- is a group of children who gather to discuss, overview and analyse various school issues and project ideas and come up with practical solutions for improvement of pupils’ education and opportunities. This is supported by Miss Hirst. One of their focuses is developing the school for us to be Eco warriors as part of our global driver.
The main group member consists of pupils elected by other pupils to represent them.
They collect the views from all children in their class and feed this back to the main group.
Within this group are different sub-committees. These are made up of some members of the parliament and other children who have a passion for this area.
The Ethos Committee is made up of children and adults who work together to promote the school values. Our committee meet each half term to discuss the school's Values and Ethos.
Adult Lead- Mr Smith
The Eco Committee is made up of children and adults which aims to make environmental awareness and action an intrinsic part of the life and ethos of our school -to help us all make positive decisions for an environmentally sustainable world.
Adult Lead- Miss Hirst/ Mrs Hetherington/Mr Smith
The STEM committee is made up of children and adults who want to spread the love and enthusiasm of all STEM subjects in school. STEM stands for Science, Engineering, Technology and mathematics .
Adult Lead- Mr Smith
The Sports Crew Committee is made up of children who have completed sports leader training. They are made up of children in Birch class and help adults to develop, plan and support the delivery of PE, school sport and physical activities. They meet regularly to plan different activities.
Adult Lead- Ms England/ Mrs Lovesay-Bonham
At times different children and adults might create a specific project committee depending on what ideas the children have come up with.