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Recognising its historic foundation, Newbottle and Charlton CEVA Primary school preserves and develops its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the church at parish and diocesan level.


Newbottle and Charlton Primary school is effective in providing an environment in which positive relationships and Christian attitudes promote learning and development of all individuals. The learning environment is safe, inclusive and creative. Spiritual and social development are valued and individuals are respected and nurtured in personal development. Parents express confidence in the school and children express a sense of being valued.


The image of a wheel symbolises thinking about Christian values in the life of Newbottle and Charlton CEVA Primary School. Made of three distinct parts- each has an important part to play in the functioning of the whole and should one fail the wheel collapses


At the centre of a wheel is the hub, the core which holds the whole together and on which everything depends- the wheel cannot be built without it. At Newbottle and Charlton Primary CEVA Primary School this is encapsulated by the value of love/compassion. Our mission statement and school bible verse, ‘Every person matters, every moment counts; Let all that you do be done in love’ (Colossians 1) is at the heart of everything we do. 



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From the hub comes the spokes- these are our core values

1. Friendship (includes community)

'Encourage one another and build each other other'

1 Thessalonians 5.11

2. Respect (includes dignity) 

'Do to others as you would have them do to you'

Matthew 7.12

3. Thankfulness (includes generosity)

'Always be Thankful'

1Thessalonians 5.16

4. Perseverance (includes courage) 

'And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us' 

Hebrews 12:1

5. Forgiveness (includes truthfulness and peace)

'Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must also forgive others'

Colossians 3.13



The rim is the part of the wheel which meets the road or world. This is effectively what everyone sees of the school. We try at school to live out these values in our relationships with one another and they underpin our curriculum vision and policy documents. 


Pupils, parents, staff, governors and other stakeholders linked to school had a part to play in coming up with our school value wheel. We used the Church of Englands Vision for Education as well as looking about the Real PE Cogs and the curriculum drivers as well as families thinking about personal values they hold


We explore each values and many others through all our teaching and having them as a focus in our collective worship. This takes place daily and led by a variety of people. 


​Collective Worship
Daily Collective Worship Assemblies are a time when we come together to learn about the love of God, celebrate the Liturgical Year and celebrate our achievements together. This promotes our Christian values, which permeate the ethos of the school and impact on the daily lives of everyone in our school community. The contributions of staff, pupils, church clergy and other visitors are valued highly. We also actively seek to encourage awe, wonder and reflection, so that children may develop spiritual flourishing. 




We follow a two year cycle for Collective worship

Cycle A (24-25)

  • Values from the wheel- Respect Term 1

  • Values from the wheel - Thankfulness Term 2

  • Values from the wheel Forgiveness Term 3

  • Courage (link to Perseverance) Term 4

  • Community (link to Friendship) Term 5

  • Joy (link to Compassion/Love) Term 6


Cycle B (25-26)

  • Core Value- Compassion/Love Term 1

  • Values from the wheel - Friendship Term 2

  • Values from the wheel-Perseverance Term 3

  • Dignity (link to Respect) Term 4

  • Generosity (link to Thankfulness)Term 5

  • Truthfulness (link to Forgiveness) Term 6

Links with the Church



The staff and Governors at Newbottle and Charlton School have reflected upon what spiritual development might mean in our school. As a school we understand that spirituality can mean different things for different people but we defined it in the following way:


‘Spirituality is the act of being human by revealing ourselves, our relationship with others, with the beauty of the world and human creativity and the ability to explore experiences of the beyond and doing so through love.


‘Spirituality is an awareness of something greater than you-of something deeper’


We also asked children what spirituality means to them and they came up with some great ideas:


‘Being kind, happy and nice to your soul’


‘Connecting with God’


‘What you love and find peaceful in nature’


We discussed with the children that for a Christian spirituality would mean developing communication with God. Developing spiritually would also mean recognition that all individuals are growing and developing character and attributes all the time and have the potential to continue to do so. We have a view that spirituality might be expressed in a range of behaviour such as caring and nurturing; serving and self-discipline and loving and sharing. Attributes such as expressing joy, peace, patience and self-control would be seen as a consequence of spiritual development. We concluded that spirituality is developed and enjoyed in community.


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