In our small mono-cultural village school, our curriculum supports children to become well-rounded adults by widening their horizons about the richly diverse world that they may not have had experience of in their day-to-day life. Due to our location, pupils enjoy playing and exploring in the countryside in school and with their friends and families. Our curriculum enhances this love of nature by deepening their knowledge and explain their understanding about it, learning about how to take care of it and develop an understanding about national agendas including issues with climate change.
Our key driver is central to our school vision and help drive and shape the planning and implementation of our curriculum. These are incorporated across all subjects and themes and have been selected through consultations with staff and governors looking at the unique ways in which we can improve children’s cultural capital at Newbottle and Charlton Church of England Primary School.
Spirituality is woven into the key concepts enabling children to develop and reflect on the relationship they have with their sense of being unique. They look how their values affect their relationships with others, while developing a growing relationship to the wonders of the natural world and the results of human creativity while also reflecting on their place in it.
Oracy is also woven into the curriculum as communication is the key to articulating ideas, developing understanding and engaging with others. We want children to be able to express themselves clearly and effectively. We want children to be effective listeners, valuing their own and others’ contributions. Good oracy skills increase confidence, self- esteem and empathy, develops cognitive ability and success in all areas of school. We want our children to have the oracy skills to thrive in the world they will be living in and be confident to agree but also disagree and challenge other people's views and opinions in a respectful way. We are currently developing this area within our curriculum through the Voice 21 Project.
·We want our pupils to be aware of the wider world and have a sense of their role in it.
·We want them to feel comfortable with their own identity and understand, respect and value the differences between themselves and others (This could include race, religion, culture, family make-up, gender, age, disability, religion or sexual diversity).
·We want children to have a understanding of how the world works and be willing to act to tackle injustice and make the world a more peaceful, sustainable and fairer place.
·We want our pupils to take responsibility for their actions and be active members of their community at different levels from local to global.
·We want the children to value the Earth and have the belief that everyone can make a difference.