Early Years Curriculum (Oak Class- Reception)
Welcome to the Early Years page on our school website. Here you will find some key information and links to support you as your child starts at our school in Reception (Oak Class). Click on the button below to download our New Reception Parent handbook with lots of key information about life at Newbottle and Charlton Primary School.
What is Reception Class?
Reception is the initial year of primary school. It is the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) before primary education begins with Key Stage1. Reception marks the final year of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It’s a child’s first experience of a more formal academic setting and routines and is the ‘bridge’ between preschool and the more formal routine and teaching of school infrastructure.
Reception lays the foundational skills and expectations needed for future academic success. The reception year prepares younger pupils for what’s to come throughout their school years, and teachers strive to instil positive attitudes towards learning. It enables children to have a firm basis in key concepts and skills such as reading, writing and numbers.
Reception, your child will follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum. This sets the standards for the learning, development, and care of your child.
The things your child will learn in Reception have been organised into three prime areas of learning:
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Personal and Social Development
And four specific areas of learning:
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts and Design
What will my child do in Reception?
In the EYFS, play is a very important part of your child’s development and most learning will be introduced through a mixture of carefully planned play and some adult-led focused activities. Don’t be too concerned if your child says that they have been playing all day – it just means that they have been lucky enough to have experienced staff who have made their learning fun and enjoyable! As the Reception year progresses, the learning may start to become more formal in preparation for Year 1 and the National Curriculum.
Click below to access a document which provides an overview of the EYFS at Newbottle and Charlton Primary School. It outlines our intent, how we implement this within our school and it’s impact.
Click below to access documents which share key topics that will be taught and key knowledge and skills developed over their year in Reception.
What kind of assessment is there in Reception?
Throughout your child’s time at school, they will be assessed regularly. This is to check their progress and identify the next steps in their learning. The school will carry out a baseline assessment to see what your child can do already early in the year. This is nothing to worry about – it is not a test and it is unlikely they will even know it is happening.
At the end of Reception, your child’s teacher will assess them again. This assessment is carried out by the Reception teacher and is based on what they, and other staff caring for your child, have observed over a period of time. All of the information collected is then used to assess where your child is currently in the seven areas of learning.
Phonics is taught every day from the second week of starting school. Please click on the link below to find out all about phonics and how to help your child at home.
Information on what phonics is and how to help your child pronounce the sounds correctly.